
At Maple Playschool children are respected as people who want to learn, deserve to feel appreciated, and can contribute to the well-being of human and nonhuman others. We empower children to learn through free play with curated materials and one another, and we design curriculum inspired by children’s interests. To determine children’s interests, we observe children as they play, we ask them open-ended questions, and we regularly discuss their choices with their parents/guardians. We give children our unconditional positive regard, and we celebrate their personalities and achievements with their families. Because we teach children both how to be in community and what a community can be, we strive to promote joy, equity, and ecological care for and alongside children. Ultimately, we support each child in developing love of learning and of the natural world.


Equity requires intentionally resisting all forms of oppression, including racism. It is made possible by considering others with unconditional positive regard, learning about people’s access needs, and empowering people to reach their potential by offering differentiated care. In an equitable community, everyone feels a sense of belonging and personal fulfillment.


Joy can only be experienced by children in a context of safety, consistency, connection to peers and caregivers, and openness to children’s initiatives. It is a feeling of pleasure, often felt while following one’s curiosity.

Ecological Care

Ecological care results from spending unhurried time outside, recognizing the strengths of nonhuman beings, and learning from others who’ve modeled how to care for one’s environment or explained cause and effect. It is an embrace of reciprocity, and it preserves life.